NO: 05 FEB 1985 Caley Palais - Edinburgh, Scotland


Confusion, Sunrise, Sooner Than You Think, This Time Of Night, Let's Go, Subculture, Love Vigilantes, Face Up, Age Of Consent, The Perfect Kiss, Temptation

There are at least two sources for this gig (at least five by present count). The first one was made using a Sony Professional Walkman (no info re mic) and includes the backing tape (Parliament-Funkadelic's 'Flashlight') selection between the main performance and the encore, but has a few dropouts (most notably the first four minutes of the initial song (Confusion), which may only be present in the copy the CD was made from and not in the master) but otherwise decent sounding. It's likely the CD was made from a second/third-generation copy of the master, though a comment by the person I got this from indicates the taper was a mate of his, so it just may be the source itself.

The second version omits this, but adds a few seconds more before the intro of Confusion. This very much sounds like a first generation copy, and while featuring a bit more crowd noise and better dynamics. On the newer version I have, the taper identifies himself, see below!  

Stephen Smith reports that, "Funny to think back, the Caley Palais one was actually pretty good. They weren't chuffed right enough about the local council and who can blame them. But they were still pretty good. The Wake played that night too and they were fantastic."

PH: "Hello".

Bernard then says three words I can't make out, sounds like "Get up off".


PH: "This is, er, Confusion, man." (in a silly voice)

Bernard yells out instructions...1:56, "sequencer", and something else a few seconds later, "twat".

BS: "Thanks very much. Sorry about the sound in here tonight, you should sack the local Council."


Hooky flubs the intro bassline a bit.

Glitch at 2:28 on the first version.

Small dropout in Sunrise near the end with first version.

Irvine Bhoy  (AUD #3, generated)

Sooner Than You Think

Some punter calls out for Everything's Gone Green. The "yes you do's" that appear on the album version are missing here. Theres a couple of dropouts in the first version about two minutes in.

This Time Of Night

Apparently they start having sound problems at this point, given the rushed soundcheck imposed by the aforementioned Council's 10PM deadline.

Somebody accidentally triggers the drums for the next song. Bernard notices a distinct hum being put out.

BS: "There's still a loud noise on stage, Ed". [starts to hum along to it]...still there....might be the sequencer, Gillian, try pressing stop."

Meanwhile, punters call out for all sorts of stuff, hilarious. Steve plays out the drum parts for Denial, and Bernard joins in for a few seconds.

Let's Go

The debut performance of this song.

Guitar sound (not melody) is slightly different, but bass riff is essentially the same. There's a dropout at about 3:50 on the second version...present on my source, and likely a problem with the master.

A bit of a break while New Order get ready to play an electronic song.

BS: "Turn this guitar down then."

Punters call out for Ceremony and Age Of Consent.


Bernard calls out "Sequencer, sequencer" at about 0:20.

Love Vigilantes

BS: "Thanks very much. It sounds like that on the record, for sure. We would like to sound different than the record, so this next one sounds really different to the record."

This is an odd comment, suggesting that the original version of this song on Lowlife, which was released in May of 1985, sounded radically different. This song was debuted on 27 JAN 85, in Leeds...and this performance is their second. With that said, it doesn't sound much removed from the version that made the album....the lyrics are fully realized, for instance. In fact, this is likely not the case, since, according to TJ, the only part of Love Vigilantes that was changed was from having the melodica coming in after the first four bars of bass to right at the start. Most likely, Barney couldn't have cared less when he made that comment whether or not any of the audience had heard it, as he was criticizing his own group's butch-up of the songs.

More shouts for Ceremony and Age Of Consent.

Bernard warms up the melodica as Hooky calls out "1, 2, 3, 4".

Face Up

Somebody's shouting "Your Silent Face, Barney...Your Silent Face."

The reverb on the keyboard arpeggiato sequence is missing for the first couple of bars. Bernard says something 'sotto voice' right after the "you took me a little further" line.

Age Of Consent

This gets a rousing roar. On the second copy somebody whistles and there's clapping at the 1:00 mark. Bernard sounds like he says "undertook" instead of "understood".

The Perfect Kiss

If you listen carefully on version two, you can hear folks mentioning the word "cock" a couple of times, in reference to the '84 Royal Free hall version.

This version has a different bass sequencer part in the intro which I rather like, but for the most part it's the version we know and love. [The sound from about 3:20 on sounds a bit muffled, this is how it's present on my master...I suspect that this was a mic placement at the end of TPK, you can hear the mic get banged into a few times]. Another version from the same master I picked up doesn't have the muffling.

Bernard says something which I can't make out except something that sounds like "If any of you fuckers..."


[Muffled up until the 6:45 mark on the second version copy] Not present in a more recent copy I picked up.

Barney mutters something I can't make out when singing "I've never seen anyone quite as...before.".

BS: "Thanks a lot, good night."

On the newer version one tape, the taper adds a note:

taper: "This is Ians from Edinburgh, if you bought this off an English guy, you've been ripped off." He then makes a sound not unlike neighing. "All originals from Edinburgh." The last phrase I can't clearly make out, sounds like "Been getting anything else", but probably isn't.

(thanks to 'Dave Mings' for helping me decipher the first bit)

dirtypearl  (AUD #1)


AUD #1 - 'Mate Of Marko' w/ Sony Professional Walkman.  Includes the backing PA track (Parliament-Funkadelic's 'Flashlight') selection between the main performance and the encore, but has a few dropouts (most notably the first four minutes of the initial song (Confusion), which may only be present in the copy the CD was made from and not in the master) but otherwise decent sounding.  It's likely the CD was made from a second/third-generation copy of the master though a comment by the person I got this from indicates the taper was a mate of his, so it just may be the source itself.  'Marko' is Mark Lubeski.  Have another version from IAP that sounds similar to this but has a high-pitched whine throughout, have to determine if it's the same source or not. think that might be AUD #3.   

AUD #2 - Ian S. - Seeded to EZT 2004-07-01.  This version has a right channel scream 4s into Confusion and right channel talking about a minute into that track.  On a more complete version that later surfaced, the  taper identifies himself at the end, saying if you bought it from a British (read: English, as the taper is Scottish) person you got ripped off!  

AUD #3 - Taped by MMD (Malcolm Beaton) with Sony WM-D6 / Aiwa CM-30.  Seeded to DIME 2012-05-10, and the master version is the source for Fractured/Image's playlist . This is on an old BV tape, sounds like it was taped near the Ian S. version.  Will need to more closely compare to figure out if it's the same version or not.  Update:  it's not.  the Shakepiggie DIME version matches up to this, which is what sources the 'Irvine Bhoy' version on YouTube.  Has a cut between Face Up and AoC whereas the Ian S. version has a punter repeat Age of...Age of...Age of Consent".  There's a cut between the main set and encore and mic taping right when it resumes.. 

AUD v4 - manattheback version (DIME).  Aiwa TPS-30 w/Aiwa CM-30 mic.  Don't think this version has yet surfaced so reserving this entry for when or if it does.

AUD v5 - Iain Wishart.  "taped that one perfectly from row 1 of the Circle - supported by The Go Betweens as I remember! Heady days! Correction: support was Royal Family & the Poor!" "Taped RF & TP". (IW also posted his photos from Stirling '83 in the same thread)


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