NO: 28 JAN 1985 Michael Sobell Sports Centre - Finsbury Park, London
"First try of 'Perfect Kiss' definitely aborted 'cos of equipment problems...Gillian's synth was playing up and a roadie came on to try and sort it out. They then played 'Ceremony' to fill in the time till he got the synth working." Thanks to Philip Collins (RIP) for the details!
From the old Ceremony mailing list:
Date: Wed, 22 Aug 2001 11:08:07 EDT
From: GaoBest
Subject: Re: [Re: Re: (Fac33) live BLT preference ] / memories
I liked how they announced it was Gillian's birthday in late January '85 for that michael sorrell (sic) sports centre and then the next day as well, or something like that. Actually I just can't remember anymore! But it was something like that.
Waterrat's listing omits the fragment of 'TV Eye' they performed between BM and Temptation...right after NO sang happy birthday to, not Gillian, but a 'David'.
Earlier versions of this gigography may have listed 86 JAN 28, this was based on a mislabelled tape.
Had two audience tape versions, one in my archives from an unknown source (referred to as 'THO tape' for my nom-de-plume) which I've misplaced, the other from Simon Park (referred to as 'Park tape)'. I believe these may be identical, but am not completely certain. The 'THO tape' version has been supplanted by one seeded by davemings to DIME, one he describes as M/3-ish.
Also have a video (single-camera amateur shot) of this performance, courtesy of Peter 'Solitude' P., who taped the gig. Very good job he did, too.
New Order come on to a Kraftwerk tune: 'Numbers'.
In an unusual twist, they play about two minutes of The Perfect Kiss, and then switch to playing Ceremony.
I had thought that this was something they intended to do, but Simon Park points out that it is clear from the video that this wasn't intended at all, the reason being due to a sequencer failure. A roadie (looks like Andy Robinson) goes out to try to help Gillian, who looks across at Barney with a puzzled look on her face.
BS: "Thanks very much. Sorry about the acoustics in this place, but the GLC thought they'd give you all a job understanding what the lyrics were."
Simon Park, who supplied the correction to what I had originally, notes that the GLC was the Greater London Council, the local authority for London at the time and the gig was meant to be for the unemployed of London.
Philip Collins recalls that the gig wasn't just for the unemployed:
"The gig wasn't just for the unemployed, it was for students as well (bargain price of ?1.50) or for those with jobs (?3.50 I think!)...I got the last 3 discounted tickets after traisping down to County Hall (GLC Headquarters) with a handful of student union cards one morning but tickets were also on sale through the usual outlets for the higher price."
The Order than re-try The Perfect Kiss, and this time make it all the way through.
BS: (at intro) "A little less bass on the vocals, Ed."
Sunrise follows.
New Order then play through _Subculture_ without interruption.
Your Silent Face
He delivers the following in a 'preacher' tone:
BS: "Er, this is one you all know just to keep you all happy, because New Order are about pleasing the public and you are the public, so we'd like to dedicate this song to you."
(once again thanks to Simon for the above)
Bernard sings the following instead of the usual lyric:
"No hearing, no breathing, no fucking, no shouting, no bollocking..."
He sings the "Why don't you piss off..." line very, very quietly. Turns out he said "fuck off" instead.
A keyboard comes in at the wrong time...they may have been having sequencer/equipment problems, as the end of the second verse uses a different sound (like a whoosing) than what is typical.
The video gets interference and cuts before the end.
BS: "Thank you, thank you."
Leave Me Alone
The drum pattern is very different than typical.
(at completion of what is a really good version, on second thought, this version is pretty ropey)
The video misses out on part of the intro, with the sound cutting in and out throughout.
A/B break of Park tape.
This Time Of Night
BS: (at start) "All you miserable bastards, you're worse than we are."
A/B break of davemings source.
BS: "What's next?"
PH?: "Confusion? I dunno."
This above exchange is only audible on the video version.
PH: "Stop laying onto your friends, you fuck..." (last word is muttered, may be something else)
Lots of soundchecking. And then Hooky says "Glad you are aware of the long..." Last word obscured by the start of the song.
Video cuts before the end, resuming partly into the next song.
Age Of Consent
PH: " you up."
Bernard says, "Eddie baby, come here" after the last part of the first verse. Bridge before second verse has a Gillian howler. Sound on Park tape muffles slightly. "I'm not the kind that needs to tell you" has different lyrics which I can't make out.
Video version has tons of audio distortion here.
Face Up
BS: "And who says we couldn't play our instruments?" Just buy the record. So is...[mumble]..."
Blue Monday closes out the main set. The sequencers go a bit awry.
Video version has another cut, so the first bit is missing.
Tape cuts out as people clamor for more. The first part of what Bernard says gets cut out as the taper hits 'play' again.
BS: "...New Order. Apart from Steve and Gillian. It's Gillian's birthday today. Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to youuoouu." The audience complete the singalong.
Punter complains about something being "fucking sneaky"...maybe he realizes that Gillan's birthday was actually the day before.
(audience sings along and finishes it out)
Hooky and Barney play a minute or so of TV Eye by the Stooges.
You can hear this on the Howiefive O YouTube's channel...
BS: "A little improvisation while we load Temptation into the sequencer. One two three four! This is our way of saying 'Thanks!'"
The Park tape has Temptation cut. It's complete on the other versions.
VID #1 Filmed by 'Solitude' (Peter P.). DVDs made from master may exist as well. Part of a set of 3 VHS-C masters that was auctioned on eBay but not sold. Videotape has internal cuts, so it's not totally complete. Single shot camcorder. DVD copy is ANA1 made from Digital Mike's VHS copy, mastered using Pinnacle Studio.
AUD #1 This is the 'ANA3' version davemings seeded to DIME in August 2006. Relatively quiet on the "Here We Go" front during the first bit of TPK. A/B split between TTON and Confusion. Cuts out "Jammin" as the tape restart gets that late. At the very end you can hear "one more, you fuckers" as the house PA music kicks in.
AUD #2 unknown, shared to DIME on 2011-03-16 by janbabe, Different source than davemings ANA3. Preserves "Jammin' New Order" before Gillian's birthday bit, which gets cut a bit on #1. This is the one used by Fractured/Image.
AUD #3 SP, Technics w/built-in mics. Temptation cuts before the end.
Versions also recorded by v1 with a hand-held Sony stereo mic set at 90 degrees which will be AUD #4 when it surfaces, and one from IAP which is described as "Fairly poor-sounding but different source than others."
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