NO: 22 AUG 1984 Goldiggers - Chippenham, England
In A Lonely Place, Face Up, Everything's Gone Green, Sooner Than You Think, Senses, Chosen Time, Hurt, Confusion (aborted), Age Of Consent, Confusion, The Perfect Kiss
Supported by Blue In Heaven
Have this on a fairly good sounding cassette. Confusion and The Perfect Kiss have brief internal cuts, however.
My version just shared includes opener "In A Lonely Place" and a complete version of "Confusion" and is an sonic upgrade on what Fractured / Image has shared.
Has extended intro with bass synth highlights. The lyrics are close to final form.
lyrics (where they most diverge):
"We were young and I was old, you were warm and I was cold We were only three years young, our life had just begun"
I have your tune, you're out of me
Guess what we are going to see!
Oh, how I cannot bear the fucking thought of you (twice)"
"A long time now I spent my life
Living with my estranged wife
She was young and I was old
I am often being told
again and again and again and again
again and again and again and again
uno, deux, tres, quattro!"
Unique segue into Everything's Gone Green
BS: "More guitar, Ed!"
Folks sing along to the "Show
BS: "A bit more More mandolin in the PA..." (rest of his sentence dissolves into echoes/reverb.
Folks call out for Transmission and the light, there's quite a bit of shouting. Barney gets sick of it and tells sundry to "Shut up!", as the sequences for Sooner Than You Think begin.
This still has the "you know we love you" chorus.
Unique, memorable synth sound. Has to be heard. This is the last time New Order play this song live.
"Too hard to recall, too tough to cry
One of these days you're gonna die
And when I do, you will regret
And when I do, I will repent
A reason never was given
A reason never was given"
A few seconds of break before the Order perform Chosen Time.
lyric: "Oh, sometimes they keep you waiting, look around...BASTARDS!"
A loud filter sweep covers the space between this and the next track, _Hurt_.
Barney makes some comments inserted into his lyrics...can't quite make these out, except for the four-letter words.
Confusion (breakdown)
BS: "Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you very much indeed. I like (that) twat to go out, thank you very much...would you please be quiet for a minute in meditation before we start the next song. It's a very spiritual song...but I can't think of a funny title to call it at the moment."
The tempo on the opening sequencer starts out really slow, and then goes really fast, and then slow again before stopping. Folks cheer.
BS: "Why, you couldn't meditate hard enough. We can only be what you are, which is beautiful." Some guitar noodling.
BS: "So that's mine(?) probably it." Then follows an improvised drum bit, and then Age Of Consent.
My tape copy has a right channel volume drop between the 2:05-2:10 mark.
New Order play Confusion again. This may have been as an encore, because the first part of the song is cut. Would be interested in knowing if there's a full version.
Some chanting at the end I can't make out. Somebody calls out for "Ceremony". Somebody whistles "na-na-nah-nah-nah".
BS: "Will the...uh, person who threw this shoe out, if you want it back, come backstage after this and I'll give it to you."
A bit of female punter chatter, too.
The Perfect Kiss
This is mostly the version we know and love. The main synth line is still slightly different.
Shambeko blog has a different recording of this show, in two parts. Unlike what was featured by Fractured/Image, this includes opener 'In A Lonely Place'
not sure about the rest of the band, but i think that barney had a taste forpernod and black: i saw them at chippenham in 1984, and a guy stood next to
me at the front had bought a double to pass up to him. stories are rife
that barney got introduced to ecstatsy by the happy mondays, and indeed was
on one when they played 'fine time' live on top of the pops. recently he
has also been on prozac (self-confessed in a few interviews). however, all
this is idle speculation.Captain Black (, I saw them at Chippenham GoldDiggers too. Came on to 'In a Lonely
Place' because they didn't have a fucking clue where they were and refused
to pander to the crowd by playing Blue Monday. God, I feel old ... Oh, hang
on, I am.
david fox (
Me too.
I remember disco lights that came down from the ceiling that you could bang your head on if you were over six foot tall. And some of the audience (only there for the disco afterwards) looking like the professional audience they used to have on top of the pops. (all in white & frizzy hair - see t.o.t.p.2).
Me, I was still looking like a sad Fergal Sharkey.
Oh and Barney was miserable, but that goes without saying really.
Dave Fox
And a legendary -1 post on Ceremony, the article appears of course in the YouTube vid posted of this show:
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 08:09:19 -0400
From: "zero"
Subject: (Fac33) [transcript] -> _new_order_live__NME_sept_1_1984_
'what do i get out of this'
[transcript] -> _new_order_live__NME_sept_1_1984_
hi new order fans,
here's a nice look back into the
past at one of new orders concerts.
this one was in 1984, in england
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z 3 4 0
[NOTE : this article is NOT available on the web as far as i've researched]
[plot synopsis] -> a quick review
and thoughts about new order during
a short tour they had in 1984
- ---------------------------cut here------------------- 'a vital gleam'
new order
goldiggers, chippenham
in this age of musical compromise and halfbaked ideologies, there are still pockets
of resistance where certain groups and individuals make their own way and as
such are landed with the responsiblity of supporting the need for greater
commitment and relevance.
whatever theories are proposed and dissected in relation to what new order
represent (and believe me there are enough of them), or why they still
choose a solitary approach, there can be little doubt over their maintained
ability to simply ignore all the barbed criticism and animosity which is laid
at their door.
for one, the water eye of nostalgia is not their way, nor meeting convention
even half way, with promises never made met. tonight's show at virgin's recently acquired
goldiggers club was a reinforcement of the positive growth new order are making,
in their own time and on their own terms.
the solemn and rarely heard 'in a lonely place' opened with typically drifting
slabs of electronic washes over that multifarious morris drum beat: bernard
albrecht has now reaffirmed his confidence as front man of sorts, and
altogether this was a more fathomable, joyous group to behold.
curiously, there was only a manic, 'age of consent' from last years, "power, corruption and
lies", but more from earlier works. both 'everythings gone green', and 'hurt' illuminated
new orders special alchemy, and intoxication that at times broke away from their
programmed progressions, free-falling into a sustained rush of extraordinary effect.
but there is always room for dissent, and tonight's new songs (sorry, no titles given out) did seem overtly similar in linear construction to the old, as though this particular fascination with sequencer charges and yearning melancholy had not been fully explored. one quite astonishing song was as much a definite blood relation to 'temptation' as '586' was to 'blue monday'.
and this surprising mini-tour of the island? for financial gain or just a testing ground for refining the new? just forget the theories; there is a vitality and gleam to this new order that will surprise many. i'd say go see them now, but the tour is already over.
still, if the band's pleasure in tonight's performance was equal to that derived from it, then they may return sooner. the days of nervous meanderings, unnerving complacency and distanced audience wind-ups are seemingly long gone
martin aston
- -------[end document]-------------------------
transcription : zero
research : zero layout : generic Designs text : textDesignersRepublic concept : no thanx : no, bs, ph, gg, sm (c) : 1999 generic Designs
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z 3 4 0
'i always try i always miss'
AUD #1 (online Fractured/Image version missing IALP, but known complete elsewhere)
AUD #2 provides inferior-sounding but complete version of "Confusion" cut from AUD #1
AUD #3 Shambeko blog version
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