NO: 16 AUG 1984 City Hall - Hull, England

Fractured/Image playlist


Blue Monday, Ceremony, Everything's Gone Green, 586, Temptation, Lonesome Tonight, Sooner Than You Think, Confusion, Age Of Consent, Thieves Like Us, Sunrise

Soundcheck (10 minutes): Your Silent Face (instrumental)

(writeup for s/c)

The portion I have is only about 9:19 long. It was unlabelled on the source cassette, but the timing and playlist seem to match with the given date on the Waterrat listing. The levels on the recording are extremely loud.

Here's the itinerary:

0:00 Drums for KW1
3:20 Keyboards for KW1, along with drums.
7:25 Hooky tests his mike
8:00 Bass for Skullcrusher
8:12 More Hooky mic tests
8:55 More bass for Skullcrusher

thehappyone (alt src + soundcheck)

Review (excerpt) by Paul Bursche (Melody Maker, I think)

I can and shall obey

New Order have been known to play a mere 30 minute set, so there's none of this hanging around in the bar that greets most bands. Everyone's trying to get as near to the front as they can -- and what a mixture they are!

Hull's disco kids mingle with mohicaned punks and youths from Manchester in long macs. There are girls, there are boys, young and old. It's the sort of audience most other bands lie about having. After the success of 'Blue Monday' New Order's audience is truly universal. The group used to make a point of never playing much of their old material, but tonight we're treated to New Order's Greatest Hits. They kick off with 'Blue Monday' and then weave their way through 'Temptation', 'Ceremony', 'Everything's Gone Green' and 'Thieves Like Us'.

The band, note, actually seem happy to be playing. Lead singer Bernard Albrecht continually grins at his companions, while drummer Steve Morris practices spectacular leaps from his drum kit to the computer so he can feed in countless floppy discs. The combination of live and computer sound is particularly impressive. Everything is loud but clear.

Ships in the harbour

At first the audience seem a little overawed by the occasion. It's all very well getting depressed in your own bedroom to Joy Division, but having living legends in your own backhard is something else again.

But the happy mood is catching, and by the time the band finally leave the stage, after a solid hour of thumping dance music, they leave an exhilarated, sweating throng.

Two minutes later the band troop back out to do an encore! No-one can quite believe it, but the extra track played sets the seal on what's been quite a night.

When the band finally depart, City Hall is buzzing, and outside the bootleg merchants are doing their trade in earnest. A random poll reveals most people are very pleased with their lot.

(Writeup of gig)

From a first-generation copy taped and made by Simon Park, using a Technics
deck. Many thanks for his contribution. Sound is very good, and the performance is AMAZING. I'm also lucky to have a different source of this, which I believe was taped by a mate of TJ's.

New Order open with Blue Monday. The mic is tapped at about 0:27 on the Park tape (noted for source identification purposes) .

lyric: "If it wasn't for your misfortune, I'd be a real big bastard today."


(at the end)

BS: "Thanks a lot, you motherfuckers, we'll give you some rock n' roll now. You motherfucking fucking mothers."

(another mic tap on Park version)

Everything's Gone Green

At 1:45, Bernard sings "It seems like I've been here before, it seems like I've been to Hull before."

lyric: "A halo that covers my bollocks."

"Show me" bit amplified and echoed. Well at least the whoop afterwards, anyway.

Segues right into 5-8-6, which segues into Temptation.  Wow.

Loud cheering, and the band then get right into Lonesome Tonight.

The band finally stops, and tunes up, while punters shout out. Morris pounds on his drums in the meanwhile.

Sooner Than You Think

BS: "Try doing the sequencer, the [word]...the tech[?]."

The beginning of the song obscures what Barney says after that, I can make out something that sounds like "Testing...".

lyric: "If i knew I didn't miss you, if i were a thousand miles from there."

Chorus is "We know we love you". There's some other differences, but is a little more solid than the one performed the night before. Left channel dropout at the 3:00 mark, for maybe about a minute...this is possibly a problem with the mic positioning, and not the tape itself.

The TJM source has a dropout at about 4:55.


BS: "Our next song is a fast one, cuz we know that most of our audience are meatheads. So is Steve!"

(Thanks Simon for the correction on the last part. The TJM version is missing Bernard's statement up to "audience".)

Bernard yells out "Don't do it!" after the first verse. Left channel cuts out before the A/B cut on the Park copy.

Age Of Consent

BS: "Just our wake-up humor."

Thieves Like Us follow. There's a edit on the Park tape.

New Order come back on and encore with Sunrise. This version features "you are my brother", "I haven't seen you since you were 19", and "that's what life is like..." The TJM version should be clear enough for a transcription at some point.

TheCassetteConverter - same source (AUD #1) as the others


AUD #1 LK (mate of TJ) - Sony WM-D6 / Aiwa CM60

AUD v2 SP - Technics (built-in mics)

AUD v3 
Scott Simpson (NOOL) - Sony Walkman w/built-in mics

AUD v4 Jon Marsh (of The Beloved) - similar equipment to AUD v3

SP: "Is there a Hull 1984 with either a drop out during Ceremony or possibly a change in quality where my version of the song was inserted?"


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