NO: 06 APR 1984 Arena - Vienna (Wien), Austria

FM version, which features a quartet of tracks from the performance

Supported by Shark Vegas.

Source for this writeup is the audience recording, which in the past few years has surfaced in a much-improved version.

5-8-6 opens the set, which they dispatch with quickly.

A rare time Bernard does something straightforwardly is the introduction to the next song.

BS: "This song's called  Everything's Gone Green."

BS: "Thanks a lot for [it?]."

Your Silent Face follows.

During the bridge, you can hear the singer mutter something that unfortunately on this recording is unintelligible.

Bernard sings "why don't you fuck off" for this one.

Last of the four tracks broadcast on the FM version.

BS: "Thank you...we got perfect evolution of... 'Your Silent Face' " (not completely understandable here as a piece of music equipment goes "boing" in the middle of this)

Senses follows. Has the improvised extra verse often seen with this song in post-'82 performances.

BS: "Thank you very much. That's our long story, Match Of The Day, put to bed."


(at the end, where I presume Bernard was handed something...)

BS: "Thank you very much.  They're so perfect."

First of the four tracks broadcast on the FM broadcast.

Chosen Time follows.


Hooky strums his bass...

BS: "A few technical problems on this next song."

PH: "Ah, he's going for a piss. When a man's gotta go, he's gotta go. But, unfortunately, we won't be able to jam, won't we, Steve?"

The song starts in, pauses, and then restarts.  The audience recording has a cut about 3:15 in.

Age Of Consent

On the audience recording, the intro is cut.  

In A Lonely Place

Someone mumbles something at the start that sounds like "he'll knock you over" and then I think later on Bernard tells Steve to hurry up a little bit.

New Order take a break between the main set and encore.  Second of four broadcast on the FM version.

Blue Monday

BS: "Good evening, out of Zurich..."  (taking the piss with using the wrong city name)

BS:  "So you're all cute, and for your old crew...who fought to this stage for this version of Blue Monday.  This song is for all the...ladies in ze audience, they are quite welcome to come backstage for a drink..." (Hooky's then plays his bass)

PH: "This is [if he?] will take your advice...very telling, a new monologue." [very unsure of the wording here, as at the same time, someone near the taper is saying "Very charming" (in English)]

BS: "Just waiting for the sequencer to load."


PH: "This is, erm, Black Heart Will Rule."

Set the controls for the heart of the black hole.

Lyrics are completely improvised, much in the same way New Order would later do for Do The Ostrich or Sister Ray.


Venue photos from bcingyou's collection.


FM #1 - most recently version was shared by lonetrader (DIME, 2010) - "It's a fresh transfer from our known first generation tape...and the often circulating WRONG venue name "WEINER ARENA" seemingly comes from Mark's upload, it was/is definitely "Arena" in Wien (Vienna), or Wiener "Arena"...  (ed. note - it was known as that long before then)".  The one linked to on YouTube is not from this rendition but an older version is better balanced, mostly because I didn't want to include their long info-file.

AUD #1 - unknown taper / equipment.  Recorded fairly far back from stage, but very listenable.

This is now on YouTube...


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