NO: 10 MAY 1983 - Victoria Hall - Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent


Fractured / Image Playlist


Your Silent Face, Ceremony, Ultraviolence, Procession, We All Stand, ICB, 586, Dreams Never End, Blue Monday, In A Lonely Place

Craig Wood writes:

"I was front circle, first row. I got comped in that night, they'd sold out of actual tickets and I had a letter from Barry Hime (major ticket seller- he founded the Piccadilly Box Office ticket agency) to the promoter. It did get me in, though.

My friend Kim (who lived in Hanley) suggested we head straight upstairs, better view, no 'football hooligan' fans getting in the way, and I could record and take pictures uninterrupted. Ever thoughtful, our Kim. The security at Hanley was always a bit over-zealous, I had to be careful again later that year when I recorded EC on the Punch The Clock tour after the Hacienda show got pulled...

I remember that this was the show where Barney kept taking off layers of clothing. He must have been wearing about five shirts or jumpers or coats.... eventually he got down to his Bundeswehr (sp?) vest - which became a must-have fashion accessory soon after. Even *I* had one... bought it in Oasis in Manchester, 3 pounds for a copy, 4 for an original. I took the original. I wonder what happened to it..."

Source kindly provided by MM.

Your Silent Face

A bit of instability in the tape source at the start, but clears up within thirty seconds.

Someone calls out for 'Confusion'


PH: "This one's for all you rocking horses in the audience."


PH: "Music being the food of love, play on."

Someone calls out "Rob", and mutters something inaudible from here.

Procession follows.

We All Stand is next.

Slight cut between this and ICB.

586 follows.

PA hum and feedback.

Hooky says something again, like "turn off..."

At about 2:30 the sound goes all pear shaped, as a security person spots the recorder and bellows "That is not allowed!". At this point the first source ends and the second source (which I'd guess is the usual one) begins.

Blue Monday

Bit of a keyboard solo at the 1:30 mark.

In A Lonely Place finishes up the set. 


AUD #1+2 - Eddie Wolfram, Sony TCS-370? At about 2:25 into the eighth track, Dreams Never End you hear a scuffle of microphone, followed by a security chap saying "don't you know it's not allowed?", then the tape stops abruptly. But then the 2nd source for this gig kicks in (a fairly good edit on my tape), and fortunately its nearly (but not quite) as good as the initial recording. Unknown who supplied this...

AUD #3 - CW, Sony TCS-300, w/built-in mics. CW: Having dug the tape out, I can see I flipped the tape after DNE.... but it IS complete. From comparing the mp3 and my tape recorded (I would think) on the left of the first row recorded (I would think) on the left of the hall (Barney's guitar is mixed louder to balance out the sound of Hooky) and the second recording is from WAY back. It sounds as if it was behind me at the the back of the circle. I was front circle."

Jon Marsh (later of the Beloved) and Dec Hickey also taped versions.



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