NO: 15 APR 1983 Pavilion, Ayr - Scotland
Ceremony, Ultraviolence, Chosen Time, We All Stand, The Village, Everything's Gone Green, Denial, Age Of Consent, Temptation, In A Lonely Place, Blue Monday
586, Everything's Gone Green, Denial, Chosen Time
From Doug Scoular:
"Just a note that the Orient Cinema, Ayr gig didn't actually happen at that venue. It was changed to Ayr Pavilion after the tickets were printed."
I was there, and still have the ticket with the wrong venue indicated. They were supported by The Wake, by the way."
Decent sound, not great (all known copies seem to stem from a version recorded and/or played back with Dolby C), with vocals fairly well-defined. At least until Shakepiggie's DIME seed showed up, which is likely from the better of the two known recordings.
The opener, Ceremony, has an additional/different improvised lyric.
"Oh why do I play so badly, play in time my sh... can't stand me."
BS: "Sorry we're so late but we had a little, eh, Ultraviolence to cope with..."
Chosen Time
Somebody calls out "Manchester!" at the start.
We All Stand
Starts with slowly strummed guitars instead of the bass synth. Nice.
A little bit of Sister Ray thrown in between here, maybe while they were waiting for their synths to load up for The Village.
Some variations:
'Our love is like the earth, the sun, the beach, and the dirt'
The band soundcheck a bit between songs.
Everything's Gone Green has somewhat different sounding sequencer parts than normal, but other than that New Order proceed to run through their typical set around that time, with Denial, Age Of Consent, and Temptation following.
The end of In A Lonely Place has filter sweeps.
Tape edit for encore which is Blue Monday. Plenty of cries for that.
Don't know who says this, wonder in fact if it's Steve Morris, it does sound a bit like him.
SM: "Thank you very much. All right. See one of you later, y'alright?"
Someone with a Scottish accent reintroduces them.
False start to Blue Monday.
Compere yells out "New Order", as a reintroduction. Fans continue to chant.
PH: "Shh...a moment of silence for the dead we left behind in Glasgow!" [a moment later] And these are the ones that left 'em for fucking dead, right?"
Needless to say, this encore is a shambles, but is very fun listening nonetheless.
Bernard laughs through one of the lyrics, as well as trying to speak his way through the second well as an ad-lib at the end that sounds like "how does it feel when your butt don't march..." (clarifying what he's singing would be appreciated)
Also a fairly unique sounding bass sequencer riff, as well as lots of sampled "W-R-L"s at the end (Confusion wasn't played that night)
A version of the classic that even Mike Garrity would love.
Openers The Wake were recorded as well, tracks which appear on Assembly:
AUD #1 - Ronnie McGhie / Sony WM-D6c / unknown mics. Irvine Bhoy YT is from this.
AUD #2 - malcolmb / Sony WM-D6 / Aiwa CM-30 (Shakepiggie/DIME). Fractured / Image YT is from this version.
AUD v3 - Dec Hickey. TDK AD90. Soundcheck: Death Rattle/Chosen Time. Dec swings mic around during EGG. A/B split between Temptation and IALP.
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