NO: 07 MAY 1981 Tabernacle - London, England
Procession, Senses, Denial
Soundcheck (15 minutes): The Him
(playlist from Fractured/Image)
Fairly poor re-EQed version of recording. A superior version missing
all but the first couple secons of "Denial" surfaced on DIME in late
February 2007.
Vocals and bass on The Him are very odd sounding, I suspect this
runs somewhat fast. (referring to old version)
Dreams Never Ends follows.
Fifth time they perform Doubts Even Here . A bit of audience
chatter right before. Gets rousing approval, punter on old version
says something between this and Truth, which is followed by ICB .
The intro instrumental interplay here is outstanding, only marred by
the vocals coming in late and being mixed low.
The quadrophonic sound seems to greatly benefit the drum machine
FX here.
At one point here Bernard repeats "Je ne sais pas."
Break between Procession and Senses (old version).
punter: "Syndrum. Snare." And then a sentence I can't understand.
The DIME source cuts out after a couple seconds into Denial.
Bernard yells at the end of the song, and then moans at the end,
and says a few words I can't make out.
One of the older versions has Love Will Tear Us Apart.
Duncan's newly surfaced version doesn't include that but does
have the following:
Chosen Time
Interesting synth line near end.
A bit of chatter between tunes.
The Him
Start is cut.
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